If you are even thinking about credit repair or just bettering your financial situation, these are the people to talk to. I was incredibly iffy on the whole situation but my New Years resolution was to lower my monthly payments and work on my credit. My credit was beyond poor and so was my wife’s. Medical bills not paid, student loans, personal loans, and other items that had gone to collection. Today is April 15th and we just put an offer in on the home of our dreams and was approved for pretty much whatever we wanted. I never do things like this on Facebook but this is not a company that wants to fix your credit. This is a family that truly cares about you, cares about your family, and cares about your dreams and will do whatever it takes to get you there. If you have any questions reach out to them, reach out to me. I will show you our score changes. I’ll show you our accounts. I’ll show you our offer letter. There’s nothing to hide. It’s your life, your future is worth the investment.